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The Exceritus Reemerge

The Exceritus Reemerge

The Exceritus

The Fabled Exceritus, thought to be extinct long ago, were the original species inhabiting Europia. But they weren't extinct, they dug underground as they watched humans progress past them, threatening their existance. Over time, they've developed technology which rivals humanities, and are ready for reemergence.

Head into Europia today, and venture deep to find them.

Level 8 Cyborg Exceritus

Venturing Deeper Requires Strength

We've added additional scaling to the Europia Zone with this update. As you venture deeper, the mobs get tougher, with differing healths, damage, and cyberware experience.

But that's not all, we've added random leveling for all mobs, and reintroduced Ghouls to Europia.

The Depths of Europia

Ready. Set. Duel.

We've always wanted to add PvP to PvPCade, as it's in the name. We just couldn't figure out a good way to do it, but starting today, fighting is encouraged. Pick your opponent, and head into one of three arenas to fight to the death. But that's not all, you can practice your aim with the Archer Kit, or if you prefer close up combat, you can choose the Knight Kit, or Brute Kit.

The Lost Angeles Duel Arena

Gather Your Wealth

As we head into this update, fearing for Europia, we bring your attention to The Outposts, an underground market where you can purchase irregular goods, for odd prices.

We've added additional items to the Combat, Mining, Farming, and Fishing Outposts. The additions include, but are not limited to: Companions, Armor, Tools, and Cosmetics.

Dive on in, and visit the Outpost.

The Trading Outpost


  • Added /lands checkhome <player> command
  • Custom Armor can now be trimmed.
  • Flight will no longer work in spawn
  • Lightened restrictions on Corporation Labeling
  • Fixed player pets teleporting into spawn
  • Fixed Quantum Circuit being usable in spawn
  • Fixed Corporations not requiring 4 letters in Corp Tag
  • Fixed Map Art Command allowing invalid images
  • Fixed Temporary Boosters displaying permanent

Thank you for reading this Blog Post! The Combat Update is live now, so hop in and head into battle.